F. Saleheen and C.-H. Won, “Bimodal Dynamic Imaging System for Embedded Inclusion Characterization,“ IEEE Sensors J., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 6062–6071, 2016. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2568919 [pdf]
A. Sahu, F. Saleheen, V. Oleksyuk, C. McGoverin, N. Pleshko, A. Harati, J. Picone and C. -H. Won, “Characterization of Mammary Tumors Using Noninvasive Tactile and Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors,” IEEE Sensors J., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 3337–3344, 2014. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2323215 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, Z. Wang, J. Picone, B. Butz, C.-H. Won,“Efficacy of a Virtual Teaching Assistant in an Open Laboratory Environment for Circuits,” Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1–27, 2018
V. Oleksyuk, R. Rajan, F. Saleheen, S. Pascarella, D.F. Caroline, and C.-H. Won, "Risk Score Based Pre-screening of Breast Tumor Using Compression Induced Sensing System,'' IEEE Sensors J., vol.18, no. 10, pp. 4038–4045, 2018. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2018.2817883
F. Saleheen and C.-H. Won, “A Hybrid Hierarchical Statistical Control Architecture for Bimodal Dynamic Imaging System Using a Dual-Arm Robot.” for International Journal of Systems Science, 2018. (Submitted)
F. Saleheen and C.-H. Won, “Statistical Stackelberg Game Control: Open-loop Minimum Cost Variance Case.” for Automatica, 2018. (Accepted for publication)
W.-C. Cheng, F. Saleheen, and A. Badano, "Assessing Color Performance of Whole-slide Imaging Scanners for Digital Pathology,'' for Color Research & Application, 2018. (Accepted with revision)

Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings
F. Saleheen, V. Oleksyuk, and C.-H.Won, "Itchy Skin Region Detection using Hyperspectral Imaging," Proc. SPIE 10656, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications V, 1065608 (14 May 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2305147 (Invited paper)
F. Saleheen, W.-C. Cheng, and A. Badano, “Evaluating Color Performance of Whole- Slide Imaging Devices by Multispectral-Imaging of Biological Tissues,” in SPIE Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology Conf., Orlando, FL, 2017. doi: 10.1117/12.2254997 [pdf]
V. Oleksyuk, F. Saleheen, D. Caroline, and C.-H. Won, “Classification of Breast Masses using Tactile Imaging System and Machine Learning Algorithms,” in 2016 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symp. (SPMB), Philadelphia, PA, 2016. doi: 10.1109/SPMB.2016.7846857 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, Z. Wang, W. Moser, V. Oleksyuk, J. Picone, and C.-H. Won, “Effectiveness of Virtual Open Laboratory Teaching Assistant for Circuits Laboratories,” in 123rd ASEE Annu. Conf. & Expo., New Orleans, LA, 2016. doi: 10.18260/p.26911 [pdf]
V. Oleksyuk, F. Saleheen, Y. Chen, and C.-H. Won, “Tactile Imaging System for Inclusion Size and Stiffness Characterization,” in 2015 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symp. (SPMB), Philadelphia, PA, 2015. doi: 10.1109/SPMB.2015.7405472 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, and C.-H. Won, “Dynamic Positioning Sensing System for Estimating Size and Depth of Embedded Object,” in 2015 IEEE Sensors Conf., Busan, Korea, 2015. doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370424 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, and C.-H. Won, “Dynamic Imaging System for Mechanical and Spectral Properties Estimation,” in 2015 Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conf., Atlanta, GA, 2015. doi: 10.1109/BioCAS.2015.7348437 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, S. Giorgi, Z. Smith, J. Picone, and C.-H. Won, “Design and Evaluation of a Web-based Virtual Open Laboratory Teaching Assistant for Circuits Laboratory,” in 122nd ASEE Annu. Conf. & Expo., Seattle, WA, 2015. doi: 10.18260/p.23787 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, S. Giorgi, Z. Smith, J. Picone, and C.-H. Won, “Virtual Teaching Assistant for Electrical Engineering Science: Initial Study,” in Spring 2015 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conf., Villanova, PA, 2015. [pdf]
A. Sahu, F. Saleheen, V. Oleksyuk, Y. Chen, and C.-H.Won, “Tactile and Hyperspectral Imaging Sensors for Mammary Tumor Characterization,” in 2013 IEEE Sensors Conf., Baltimore, MD, 2013. doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2013.6688136 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, V. Oleksyuk, A. Sahu, and C.-H. Won, “Non-Invasive Mechanical Properties Estimation of Embedded Objects using Tactile Imaging Sensor,” in Proc. SPIE 8719, Smart Biomedical and Physiological Sensor Technology X, Baltimore, MD, 2013.doi: 10.1117/12.2015803 [pdf]
S. Giorgi, F. Saleheen, F. Ferrese, and C.-H. Won, “Adaptive Neural Replication and Resilient Control Despite Malicious Attacks,” in 2012 5th Int. Symp. Resilient Control Systems (ISRCS), Salt Lake City, UT, 2012. doi: 10.1109/ISRCS.2012.6309303 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, A. Sahu, V. Oleksyuk, and C.-H. Won “Normal Force Estimation using Tactile Imaging Sensor,” in 2012 38th Annu. Northeast Bioengineering Conf. (NEBEC), Philadelphia, PA, 2012. doi: 10.1109/NEBC.2012.6206991 [pdf]
Presented Talks, Poster, and Demo
V. Oleksyuk, F. Saleheen, J. Goldstein, S.-I. Choi, D. Caroline, S. Pascarella, C.-H. Won, "Translation Demo: Tactile Imaging Probe for Breast Tumor Phantom Mechanical Property Estimation,'" in IEEE-NIH 2017 Healthcare Innovation and Point-of-Care Technologies (HI-POCT) Conf., Bethesda, MD, 2017
F. Saleheen, A. Badano, and W.-C. Cheng, “Evaluating Color Performance of Whole-Slide Imaging Devices by Multispectral-Imaging of Biological Tissues", SPIE Medical Imaging: Digital Pathology Conf., Orlando, FL, 2017 [pdf]
F. Saleheen and W.-C. Cheng, "Evaluating Perceptual Color Reproducibility of Whole-Slide Imaging Devices", 2016 OSEL Annual Student Science Exhibit at US FDA, Silver Spring, MD, 2016 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, Z. Wang, W. Moser, V. Oleksyuk, J. Picone, and C.-H. Won, “Effectiveness of Virtual Open Laboratory Teaching Assistant for Circuits Laboratories,” in 123rd ASEE Annu. Conf. & Expo., New Orleans, LA, 2016 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, S. Giorgi, Z. Smith, J. Picone, and C.-H. Won, "Design and Evaluation of a Web-based Virtual Open Laboratory Teaching Assistant (VOLTA) for Circuits Laboratory", 122nd ASEE Annual Conf. & Expo., Seattle, WA, 2015 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, S. Giorgi, Z. Smith, V. Oleksyuk, and C.-H. Won, "Design of the Virtual Laboratory Assistant for Electrical Circuits Laboratories", Fall 2014 Mid-Atlantic ASEE Conf., Swarthmore, PA, 2014 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, V. Oleksyuk, and C.H. Won "Demo Abstract: Cyber-Physical Tactile Imaging System for Malignant Tumor Identification " Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), 2013 IEEE/ACM 4th Intl Conf. Philadelphia, PA, 2013 [pdf]
F. Saleheen, A Sahu, V. Oleksyuk, R Gaeta, K Sorenmo and C.H. Won "Feasibility Study of Tactile and Spectral Imaging to Discern Malignant and Benign Canine Mammary Tumors" Annual Faculty Retreat of School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. New Bolton Center, PA, 2013 [pdf]
Ph.D. Dissertation and Masters' Thesis
F. Saleheen, "Bimodal Dynamic Imaging System for Tumor Characterization using Hybrid Hierarchical Statistical Control"​, Ph.D. Dissertation, ECE Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug. 2017 [pdf][slides]
F. Saleheen, "Modeling and Statistical Control of a Gimbaled Laser Target System"​, M.S. Thesis, ECE Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan. 2014 [pdf][slides]